Life members:- The founder members of the society who pay an amount of Rs. 4000/- will be the founder Life members of the Society.
Donor members:- Any individual a corporate donor can become a corporate member of the society by paying an amount of Rs. 50,000/-
Institutional members:- An institute can be enrolled as a member by paying an amount of Rs. 50,000/- for a period of 10 years.
Students member:- A major student can become an annual member by paying an annual membership of Rs. 400/- + 100/- entry fee provided the student produces the poof of being a student.
Annual member:- Any major individual by paying (remitted) sum of Rs. 1000/- per year + Rs. 100 as an enrollment is shall be an annual member of the society.
Connect with Us
Dr. N. B. Gokhale
Interdisciplinary Society for Advancement of Agril. Science and Technology Plant Biotechnology Unit
College of Agriculture,
DBS Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli - 415 712
Dist. Ratnagiri (M.S.), INDIA
Phone No : +91-2358-280536